At Least He Listens?

I came home from dropping Waffle Fry at early morning seminary and the first thought I had was, “you know what’s better than a giant pile of Goat Poo? 

A giant pile of WET goat poo. This is the pile that just keeps on giving…me giggles. 

Also, when I got home I didn’t see Big Daddy so I asked Tater Tot where he was and didn’t know so I tried again, 

“Where’s daddy’s car?” 

TT looks me dead in the eye and says, “well…I guess it’s wherever HE left it!” 

And that is why I have kids. So I can hear my own  gems of wisdom come back at me octave higher and covered in sass. It’s *amazing*. 🤣

Also, Daddy moved his car to make room for horned animal 💩 🐐 

Happy Tuesday! 


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